Video Memories / Memorias de Video

CONIIN 2020 – Main Conferences / Conferencias Magistrales

Main Conference No. 1Author and Title 
1Dr. Aurelio Dominguez Gonzalez – Tendencias de la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
2Dra. Nora Aleyda Garcia Gomez – Desarrollo de arrreglos nanoestructurados para la reacción de evolución de hidrógeno
3Dr. Francisco Javier Castañeda Garay – “Estudio de suelos para el proyecto del Aeropuerto Felipe Angeles-Santa Lucia”
4 Dr. Yunny Meas Vong – “Lo que debes saber antes de iniciar un Proyecto”
5Dr. Gilberto Herrera Ruiz – La deuda Social de la Ingeniería Mexicana 

CONIIN 2020 – General Conferences / Conferencias Generales

General Conference No. Authors and Title
1Carlos Mario Tovar Kassab and Juan Bosco Hernandez Zaragoza. Improvement of compressive strength of calcium hydroxide compounds
2Genaro M. Soto Zarazua and Arantza Elena Sánchez Gutiérrez. Waste matter of Prickly pear cactus cladodes (Opuntia spp.) for innovation and sustainable development.
3Jesús Josafat De León-Ramírez, Juan Fernando Garcia-Trejo, Samuel López-Tajeida and Leticia Felix-Cuencas. Effect of the rate of water exchange on the growth of fingerlings of Oreochromis niloticus in RAS
4Alexa González, Eduardo Morales and Marcela Gaytán. Effect of extrusion conditions on tannin content and antioxidant capacity of a mango by-product
5Jose Antonio Romero Navarrete, Frank Otremba, Christian Sklorz and Miguel Martínez Madrid. Quasistatic rollover threshold of atmospheric road tankers
6Christian Jonathan Sanchez-Gonzalez, Roque Alfredo Osornio-Rios and Juan Jose Saucedo-Dorantes. Optimal statistical indicators selection using statistic F-test for sag, swell and transients classification
7Frank Otremba, Jose Antonio Romero Navarrete and Juan Carlos A. Jauregui Correa. Forces on rail in turns: A Review
8Jose Miguel Mendoza Gomez, Juan Bosco Hernández Zaragoza and Teresa Lopez Lara. Mechanical characterization of a composite based on CPC and reinforced EPS granules (NOT PRESENTED)
9Alejandra Martínez Lázaro and Janet Ledesma García. 3D NiFe2O4 Hollow Spheres For Oxygen Evolution Reaction
10Karen Elizarraraz Castro and Jose Luis Reyes Araiza. Organic Additive Mortar Mix Design
11Amaury María-Medina, David Jaasiel Torres-Arcos, Pedro Valencia-Amador and José Gabriel Ríos-Moreno. Analysis of mechanical and physical properties of a hydraulic concrete design added with cigarette butts: an ecological method
12Alejandro Clemente Chávez, Ángel Figueroa Soto, Mario González Martínez and Noel Zavala Gutiérrez. Seismic Zonation of the Querétaro City
13Erick Jimenez Rivera and Laura Daniela Torres Rodriguez. Pavimento autorreparable (NOT PRESENTED)
14Estefania Campero, Aldo Amaro, Jorge Gracida, Víctor Pérez, Rufino Nava and Octavio Loera. Degradation of azo dyes in water by immobilized laccase onto Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with chitosan
15Ana Karen Martinez, Juan José Saucedo and Roque Alfredo Osornio. Vibration-based analysis of outer race fault effects on hybrid bearings used in induction motors
16Antonio Hernandez Francisco, Teresa Lopez Lara, Juan Bosco Zaragoza Hernandez and Jaime Moises Horta Rangel. Natural zeolite aplied in road engineering: Initial impact on the Atterberg limits (NOT PRESENTED)
17Carlos Gámez and Anelisse Oliveri. Design as a catalyst for knowledge management in technological micro-enterprises: A theoretical analysis.
18David Jaramillo-Arteaga, Luis Alberto Morales-Hernández and Roque Alfredo Osornio-Ríos. Recognition of Power Quality Disturbances and Indicators Using a Virtual Oculus Quest System
19Mariana Montserrat Flores Nieves and Genaro Martín Soto Zarazúa. Application of auxiliary additives as reinforcement to the mechanical properties of biopolymeric textile fibers
20Valeria Banda and José Luis Reyes Araiza Reyes Araiza. Methodology to establish unit cost on construction processes to rehabilitate or repair reinforced concrete
21Ada Karen Cortés Cuevas, Luis Eduardo Romero Villarruel, Lizbeth Guerrero Vázquez and Mario Trejo Perea. Review Modified Asphalt
22Luis Daniel Solórzano Tepepa, Alejandro Herrera Rivera, Edwin Jehús Hernández Velázquez and Mario Trejo Perea. Reuse of construction waste
23Jason Patrick Hernandéz-Ramírez, Dante Jaen García-Delgado, Mario Trejo-Perea and José Gabriel Ríos-Moreno. Study of Bacteria Self-Healing Concrete: A Review
24Rogelio Cedeño Moreno, Luis Alberto Morales Hernández, Roque Alfredo Osornio Ríos and Irving Armando Cruz Albarrán. Design and construction of the Hoeken linkage as a calibration element for an artificial vision system
25Ixchel Parola-Contreras, Erik Gustavo Tovar-Pérez, Emilio Andrés Delis-Hechavarria, Alexandra Edileth Jarro-Castañeda, Leticia Félix-Cuencas, Axel Escamilla-García and Ramón Gerardo Guevara-González. Chitosan triggers affinin in Heliopsis longipes
26Joel Ernesto Martínez Camacho, Noelia Isabel Ferrusquía Jiménez, Irineo Torres Pacheco and Ramón Gerardo Guevara González. Effect of chitosan and salicylic acid pre-harvest application in enzymatic activity of blackberry (Rubus sp.)
27José Roberto Galaviz-González, David Ávalos-Cueva, Pedro Limón-Covarrubias, Sergio Andrés Rodríguez-Moreno and Freddy Arturo Ocaña-Ortiz. Geometric design of a two-way rural road using CivilCAD
28Juan Manuel Enríquez Ugalde, Juan Jose Saucedo Dorantes, Roque Alfredo Osornio Ríos and Luis Alberto Morales Hernández. Broken rotor bar detection in induction motors using infrared thermography and machine learning
29Cesar Alejandro Diaz Cano. Development of a functionalizade SBA-15 mesoporous silica matrix and its application in the purification of the ribonucleic acid
30Samuel López-Tejeida, Leticia Felix-Cuencas, Jesus Josafat León-Ramírez, Maribel Villegas-Villegas, Laura Berenice Flores-Tejeida and Juan Fernando García-Trejo. Development of a mathematical model for the prediction of nitrogenous compounds
31Marco Antonio Hernandez Montes, Diana Cristina Leyva Campos and Mario Trejo Perea. Water savings in sustainable homes
32Alejandro Ramírez, X. Yamile Sandoval Castro and Maximiano F. Ruiz Torres. Comparison of different techniques of 2D simultaneous localization and mapping for a mobile robot by using ROS

Special Conferences

Special IssuesAuthor and/or Title 
1Ing. Fisico – Danyel Cavazos – ¿Cómo aplicar para un posgrado en ciencia (STEM) en el extranjero?
2Dra. Laura de la Mora Marti – Aportes de la fusion Ciencia y Arte actual
3XVI – Congreso Internacional de Ingenieria – CONIIN 2020 – Video de Clausura